Reframe my thoughts! 💭

Type what thought you would like to reframe. Using trained CBT techniques & AI, my friendly bot will help you reframe the thought.

Your thoughts:

Your thoughts, reframed:

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Privacy note: With your comfort and privacy in mind, Katya has decided not to store any data anywhere. Feel free to tell the bot whatever you want, as no one will ever be able to read it! However, Katya is passionate about mental health research and wants to continue improving this bot for free. If you would like to support her, please contribute and provide feedback through this survey.

Learn reframing yourself!

Reframing thoughts is a technique that can help you view a situation or problem in a different light, and can be a helpful tool for managing negative emotions and improving your mental well-being. Here are some steps you can follow to try reframing your thoughts:

1. Identify the negative thought: Notice when you have a negative thought, and try to identify the specific belief or idea that is causing you to feel negative emotions.
2. Challenge the negative thought: Once you have identified the negative thought, try to challenge it by questioning its accuracy and asking yourself whether there is evidence to support it.
3. Look for alternative perspectives: Consider other ways of looking at the situation. Is there another way to interpret the events or circumstances that led to the negative thought? Can you find any positive aspects of the situation?
4. Reframe the negative thought: Using the alternative perspectives you have identified, try to rephrase the negative thought in a more positive or neutral way. For example, instead of thinking "I'm a failure," you might reframe the thought as "I didn't succeed this time, but I can learn from this experience and try again."

Katya recommends writing these 4 steps out when you are overwhelmed with a negative thought. Remember that reframing your thoughts is a skill that takes practice. It may not always be easy, but it can be a helpful tool for managing negative emotions and improving your overall well-being.

Built with ❤️ by Katya! Katya graduated with a psychology degree and works as a Director of Product. She learns stuff and shares at , , and her website.